Sunday, 27 February 2011

Why the Perfect Attendence Contest Sucks...

Imagine yourself here...after you've made all of your co-workers, family and friends sick!

It's understandable why an employer would want to minimize sick days - to reduce costs.  Using the lure of a tropical vacation is, I suppose, par for the course in advertising - creating an illusion plays an important role (most of us would have far more mundane uses for $2000). To have perfect attendance, are you one of  the healthiest employees or one who is willing to drag her- or himself in to work despite having a contagious disease? Will a facemask protect your fellow workers (and their families) and the vulnerable people you support? Can you imagine the Valley Manor or the hospital having such a contest?
 Let's show respect and be considerate of others: keep your virus at home until you're no longer a threat to your co-workers and the people you support.

1 comment:

  1. Jill Olsheskie4 March 2011 at 09:41

    I totally agree with this statement. How about rewarding staff for going the extra mile while at work? Staff also have to remember when you are really sick and don,t come to work you will get healthier faster with some rest.
